Terms & Conditions

By accessing the addbiz.online platform, the user agrees to all the following Terms and Conditions of use, laws, & regulations, and the user takes complete responsibility for compliance with any applicable local laws. Please read all the terms & conditions carefully before accessing the addbiz.online platform.

The Digital Business Card from addbiz.online is available in the form of a Link & PDF. Users can use the Card link for free for 1 year and have to pay a certain amount along with GST for downloading the PDF. If the user is applying for a coupon to download the PDF, addbiz.online offers a certain discount which may vary over the period of time.

addbiz.online makes sure that every information published on the platform is accurate, does not contain any false data, and that we keep it updated in a timely manner. For a better user experience, we’ll be using the user data. addbiz.online will not be using user’s sensitive data. addbiz.online holds all the rights to change the information anytime without notice.

addbiz.online users are strictly prohibited from using the platform data and materials for any commercial purpose or non-commercial purpose. Users are prohibited from reverse engineering any software present on the platform, remove proprietary notations from the materials, or transfer data without our consent. As per the addbiz.online policy, the user’s license accord will automatically get terminated in case of breach of terms & conditions.

addbiz.online owns the intellectual property and copyright in the content published on the addbiz.online platform along with images, trademarks, logos, & brands.

To the extent that any terms & conditions of use of addbiz.online are found to be invalid, ailing, unlawful, or unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction, it shall remain in full force.